Regardless of whether you’re developing a Drupal website or a Drupal module, you have to be aware of how visitors and users will interact with things. The primary way that you can control this access is through permissions.
Permissions (along with users) are a fundamental component of Drupal administration, and using them correctly can make the difference between having a secure, reliable website, and having a website that exposes information about its visitors -- which you may end up hearing about on the evening news.
So how do you do this? How can you learn more about managing users and permissions on your website, and what additional options you may have if you host your website on Acquia Cloud? As a module developer, where can you find the best practices regarding permissions, and what are the hooks you can use to access those permissions on a Drupal website?
A good start is our permissions best practices article on the Acquia Help Center.
And, once you’re done, for even more information that you can use with your Drupal website, feel free to browse any of the other articles and resources in the Acquia Help Center!