New Acquia Dev Cloud documentation release!

  • 2 minute read

I’ve been at Acquia as the Director of Engineering Services for 8 weeks, and I’m really excited to announce a new release of the Dev Cloud documentation! In two short months we re-architected the Dev/Managed Cloud docs from end-to-end making it easier for you to find what you need. I was so impressed with the folks who helped us pull this off so quickly. Not only were changes implemented to add new functionality to the documentation pages themselves, but the Engineers heroically endured my “friendly following up” to ensure all material was reviewed. I truly appreciate their efforts, and am thrilled with how seriously they took their part in this endeavor.

We’ve made the pages easier to scan by breaking up larger topics into smaller ones, added handy expandable procedures so you can quickly locate the information you are looking for, and we have included helpful links at the bottom of each page to related topics. The documentation includes the latest and greatest features, including Git support (coming soon!)

Check out our new docs, and let us know what you think. There is a feedback section at the bottom of each page. Use it to let us know if you can’t find what you are looking for or if you need more information on a specific topic. We will turn it around as quickly as possible. In addition, you can always email the documentation team using doc at acquia dot com.

We plan to revamp all Acquia product docs in the next few months and would love to hear your ideas on what would help you the most. Stay tuned for the next phase of our doc improvement effort!