Create a Custom Profile for use with Site Factory: Part 2

  • Last updated
  • 1 minute read


Create a Custom Profile and install your first site on ACSF.


This is Part 2 of a comprehensive tutorial covering the set up of a new Drupal 10 codebase for Acquia Cloud Site Factory (ACSF). In this segment, you will set up a custom Drupal installation profile. Additionally, you will gain valuable insights into the ACSF deployment workflow (including configuration management, which is essential if you want to create operational efficiencies, launch websites faster, and scale your platform with confidence. We will be working with Acquia Cloud IDE to simplify the development and deployment process.

This guide has been divided into three parts:

  1. Set up Cloud IDE, Install Drupal 10, and Prepare your Codebase for Site Factory
  2. Create a Custom Profile and test New Site Creation with Site Factory
  3. Implementing Configuration Management and Proving out the Site Factory Deployment Workflow

In the following steps, I will guide you through the process of creating a custom Drupal installation profile.

  1. Create a new Custom Profile

    We will create a new custom profile named acsfprofile. This custom profile will be used to create new sites on ACSF:

    cd docroot/profiles/custom/
    mkdir acsfprofile
    cd acsfprofile/

    Set the new profile as default in your codebase

    Modify the following files to add the new profile (acsfprofile):

    • config/default/core.extension.yml

    Go to the end of your core.extension file and make the following changes (Changes are shown using a left arrow <-- ):

      tour: 0
     update: 0
     user: 0
     views_ui: 0
     views: 10
     acsfprofile: 1000 <--
     olivero: 0
     claro: 0
    profile: acsfprofile <--
    • /home/ide/project/blt/blt.yml
     machine_name: d10acsf
     profile: <--
       name: acsfprofile <--
     prefix: BLT <--
     appId: 48efba74-75af-43ef-8455-32e6f043c375
     default_branch: master
       cloud: '[email protected]:acquiatam2.git'
     tag_source: true
       remote: site1.01test
       local: self
       ci: self
     default_alias: '${drush.aliases.local}'

    Generate the file

    Using the /home/ide/project/config/default/core.extension.yml file, we will generate the file.


    This new file will inform Drupal about the required modules and themes that should get installed when the acsfprofile custom profile is used to create a fresh Drupal install.

    To create your file do the following:

    Add the following 6 lines of code to the beginning of the file:

    name: acsfprofile
    type: profile
    base profile: minimal
    description: 'ACSF Profile'
    core: 9.x
    core_version_requirement: '^9 || ^10'
    config_install: true
    config_install_path: '../config/default'

    Copy all the values from the “module” section of your core.extension.yml file to your file:

     acsf: 0
     acsf_duplication: 0
     acsf_theme: 0
     acsf_variables: 0

    Now, in your file, replace “module:” with “install:” and modify all the modules inside the “install:” section by adding a dash ( - ) to the beginning of each module and removing the leading number after each module ( : 0 ): 

     - acsf
     - acsf_duplication
     - acsf_theme
     - acsf_variables

    Copy all the values from the “theme” section of your core.extension.yml file to your file:

     olivero: 0
     claro: 0

    In your file, modify all the themes inside the “theme:” section by adding a dash ( - ) to the beginning of each theme and removing the leading number after each theme ( : 0 ):

     - olivero
     - claro

    The resulting file should look similar to the following example:

    name: acsfprofile
    type: profile
    base profile: minimal
    description: 'ACSF Profile'
    core: 9.x
    core_version_requirement: '^9 || ^10'
    config_install: true
    config_install_path: '../config/default'
     - acsf
     - acsf_duplication
     - acsf_theme
     - acsf_variables
     - automated_cron
     - big_pipe
     - block
     - block_content
     - breakpoint
     - ckeditor5
     - comment
     - config
     - config_filter
     - config_ignore
     - contact
     - contextual
     - datetime
     - dblog
     - dynamic_page_cache
     - editor
     - field
     - field_ui
     - file
     - filter
     - help
     - history
     - image
     - link
     - menu_link_content
     - menu_ui
     - mysql
     - node
     - options
     - page_cache
     - path
     - path_alias
     - search
     - shortcut
     - system
     - taxonomy
     - text
     - toolbar
     - tour
     - update
     - user
     - views_ui
     - views
     - acsfprofile
     - olivero
     - claro
  2. Install a local site from existing configuration with BLT

    Make sure you are located inside the project folder:

    cd /home/ide/project/

    Install a new Drupal site using the existing configuration on disk:

    blt setup --no-interaction

    You should get a successful installation with no configuration differences.

    Screenshot showing a successful Drupal installation.

    Use the following drush command to make sure there are no configuration differences between the new site’s database and the existing configuration on disk:

    drush config:status
    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main *) $ drush config:status
    [notice] No differences between DB and sync directory.

    If they are different, you will have to run "drush cex" again to resolve the differences, then run "blt install" again.

    Check the newly installed site using “drush uli” and make sure everything looks fine:

    drush uli
  3. Test the installation profile simulating Site Factory’s site creation

    To make sure everything is working fine, we will reinstall a new site simulating the commands used in Site Factory:

    drush site:install acsfprofile
    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main *) $ drush site:install acsfprofile
    You are about to:
    * DROP all tables in your 'drupal' database.
    Do you want to continue? (yes/no) [yes]:
    > yes
    [notice] Starting Drupal installation. This takes a while.

    Execute the following BLT command to update the database and perform post site install configuration tasks to the new site:

    blt drupal:update

    Check the newly installed site with dush uli:

    drush uli
  4. Push all the changes to your repository

    If everything looks good, we should now be able to push the new codebase to ACSF.

    Execute the following composer command to generate a new hash in your lock file so that your composer.json and composer.lock files are in sync:

    composer update --lock

    Push your new codebase to your repository:

    git add -A
    git commit -m "BLT-002: Added a custom profile for ACSF."
    git push
  5. Deploy your codebase to ACSF

    Use the following BLT command to deploy your codebase to ACSF:

    blt artifact:deploy

    This command gives you the ability to add a tag to your new codebase that will be available to choose from on any of your ACSF environments.

    When prompted, enter “y” to create a new tag:

    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main) $ blt artifact:deploy
    Would you like to create a tag? (y/n) y

    Press Enter to use the same commit message:

     Enter a valid commit message [BLT-002: New codebase with social media icons and assets fix.] (Press ENTER)
    Enter the tag name for the deployment artifact, e.g., 1.0.0-build 1.0.0-d10acsf

    I named my new deployed code: 1.0.0-d10acsf

  6. Update your ACSF code

    Go to the ACSF Console UI of one of your lower environments. For this tutorial, I will use the test environment.

    Go to Administration -> Update code:

    Update the code in your ACSF account.

    In the Site Update page, use the dropdown to select your new codebase (1.0.0-d10acsf):

    In the Site Update page, use the dropdown to select your new codebase.

    Click the Update button and wait until the update process finishes:

    Screenshot showing the progress of the code update.
  7. Add the new profile to ACSF

    Go to Administration -> Installation profile management, enable the acsfprofile profile and make it REST API Default:

    Add the new profile to ACSF.

    Click the “Save settings” button.

  8. Create a new Site Group in your ACSF account

    Login to your ACSF Console UI and click the “New Group” button:

    Create a new Site Group in your ACSF account.

    Assign a name to your new Site Group and save your changes:

    Assign a name to your new Site Group and save your changes.
    New Site Group confirmation message.
  9. Create your first ACSF site

    Create a new ACSF site using your new codebase. Go to Sites and select your group:

    Go to Sites and select your group.

    Click the “Create a new Site” button.

    Give a name to your new site (Example: site1), and click the “Create Site” button:

     Give a name to your new site and click the Create Site button.
    Screenshot showing the Site creation complete message.
  10. Login to your new ACSF site

    In your Cloud IDE instance, create a new drush alias for your new ACSF site using the bash script. Execute the bash script and follow the instructions:

    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main) $ ./
    |       Drush Alias Generator     |
          |      Main Menu      |
          | 1 - New Drush Alias |
          | 2 - Exit            |
    Select a number from the Main Menu: 1
    Selected: New Drush Alias
    Make sure to enter the name of a site you already created in your ACSF account.
    Example: If the ACSF URL assigned to your new site is
    Enter site1
    Provide the name of the site you want to create a Drush alias: site1
    Is this site name correct?: "site1" (Yes/No/Cancel = y/n/c)
    Generating the drush alias for site1..
    Ready! Going back to the Main Menu...
          |      Main Menu      |
          | 1 - New Drush Alias |
          | 2 - Exit            |
    Select a number from the Main Menu: 2
    Selected: Exit
    Exiting this script...

    Now you can execute drush commands from your Cloud IDE instance against your ACSF site following this structure:

    drush @SITE_NAME.ENVIRONMENT status 

    Because we created site1 in the test environment, the drush commands should look like this:

    drush @site1.01test status
    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main) $ drush @site1.01test status
    Drupal version   : 10.0.7                                                               
    Site URI         :                       
    DB driver        : mysql                                                                
    DB hostname      : staging-4341                                                         
    DB port          : 3306                                                                 
    DB username      : vi5zdAJ5iWYWDWKH                                                     
    DB name          : acquiatamdb1278246                                                   
    Database         : Connected                                                            
    Drupal bootstrap : Successful                                                           
    Default theme    : olivero                                                              
    Admin theme      : claro                                                                
    PHP binary       : /usr/local/php8.1/bin/php                                            
    PHP config       : /usr/local/php8.1/etc/cli/php.ini                                    
    PHP OS           : Linux                                                                
    PHP version      : 8.1.12                                                               
    Drush script     : /mnt/www/html/acquiatam201test/vendor/bin/drush                      
    Drush version    : 11.5.1                                                               
    Drush temp       : /mnt/tmp/acquiatam201test                                            
    Drush configs    : /etc/drush/drush.yml                                                 
    Install profile  : acsfprofile                                                          
    Drupal root      : /mnt/www/html/acquiatam201test/docroot                               
    Site path        : sites/g/files/utfjsx5000426test                                      
    Files, Public    : sites/g/files/utfjsx5000426test/files                                
    Files, Private   : /mnt/files/acquiatam2.01test/sites/g/files-private/utfjsx5000426test 
    Files, Temp      : /mnt/tmp/acquiatam201test                                            
    Connection to closed.
    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main) $

    Check your new site for configuration differences:

    drush @site1.01test cex
    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main) $ drush @site1.01test cex
    [notice] The active configuration is identical to the configuration in the export directory (../config/default).
    Connection to closed.
    Signorelli IDE:~/project (main) $

    Access your new ACSF site using drush uli:

    drush @site1.01test uli

Congratulations on completing the second phase of the three-step guide! You have navigated through the process of creating a custom Drupal installation profile. Now, let's head to the last phase where you will learn about configuration management and deployment workflow on Site Factory.

Next phase: Implementing Configuration Management and Proving out the Site Factory Deployment Workflow